
Disc Golf 2007 Texas Teams The Warlocks recently took two teams to this year's Texas Team Challenge both competing in the newly formed Merged division. This division is for teams that have either won emerging, or teams that are also bringing an Established team. 12 total teams competed in our division, with another 24 teams competing in the other division for a total of 288 players, which they said was a record attendance for Teams. They even had to put in another 18 hole course to accommodate all the players. Yes, that's 3 - 18s on one ranch....full of disc golfers from all over Texas having the time of their lives. As this is by far the most fun tourney you can compete in. Just ask any of the 12 players we sent.....Anyway Warlock1 was in Pool2, the team members and individual records were Nick Rowton 3-2-2, Patty White*3-3-1, Johnny DeLeon 3-1-3, Pete Barizon 3-2-2, Brandn Moore* 5-1-1, and myself(Jason*) 4-2-1 and Warlock2(SA2) was in Pool1. This team was Jason Holton, Ashley Petty*, Sean Nelson, Matty G*., Jr Floyd*, and Paul Roy*. SA2 had a tough time in their division going 1-3-1, and not making the playoffs. The Warlocks in Pool 2 started off with a win in the first round playing vs. the Lady Outlaws. Who were all pro women, mostly sponsored women at that. Nick was the only one to lose to a girl on the team...Good job Nick...hehe...You're never going to live that one down!!! But the team followed that up with 2 loses in a row. One to Universal City(1-1-4) and the other to Circle R(2-3-1) the home team. The turn around match was when we played Victoria. It was raining and getting late in the match, when Johnny DeLeon hit an about 150' birdie or so to push his match....that ended up being the shot the team needed to "hear"(as 2 of us were on the card ahead of him, and the other 2 had already finished and were following them around). As it must have pumped up Brandn and myself because they came around the corner and told us what had happened, and that we needed 2 wins to take the match. At this time it was do or die for us, so Brandn threw first....put it probably 20' from the basket. The guy he was playing threw and was maybe 40' out, then my guy threw and was about 25' out. My turn, and I threw it about 10' away....Come on birds for us and misses from them is what I was thinking. Bam they both missed, and we both hit ours. We took the round 3-2-1. That gave us hope to get into the playoffs as long as we could pull off a win vs. Abilene(which btw, none of them were from Abilene, and only a 2 of them live there and are going to school). We also needed some help in the form of UC beating Circle R....We got the help, and we got the win 3-2-1 vs. Abilene. This put us in a tie for 2nd place in the pool with Victoria...see I told you it was a big win. As the first tie breaker was head to head play. Since we won that, we would go into the playoffs as the #2 seed facing the #1 seed from pool2, which was kyle. When we found this out, we all started hoping we got to play them on the back meadow course. As anyone who has played Kyle knows that is a tight, tight, tight..did I say tight course. So we want to play them on something more our style, fairly open long holes. Which is what a lot of the back meadow is like. Things must have been lining up for us as that was the 9 holes we got to play them on. And, we took it to them good beating them 5-1. UC, pool 2's #1 seed won the other side of the bracket going undefeated on the weekend at 5-0 overall to this point. Mean while our record for the weekend was at 4-2. Time for the rematch vs. UC. A team which by the way we beat last year to move on to the finals only to lose to Big Springs and finish 2nd place. This year that was not going to be the case, as the momentum form the weekend has turned our way...at least we thought so. Nick and Patty finished up their rounds first, both winning. While Johnny and Pete were still going for it, as was Brandn and myself. Word came down that one of Pete and Johnny had won, at the time we didn't know who. And since we already knew Brandn was winning all he had to do was lay up for the 3 and take the push on the last hole to win his match. He did, and we did.....as in WE WON TEXAS TEAMS BABY!!!!! Bringing home the 2nd win for San Angelo in Texas Teams. The first team doing it about 5 years ago in the emerging division, before most any of the current team was even playing disc golf. This win was the first for San Angelo in the "middle" division called Merged, and the first for any of the 6 on this team. What a thrill it was to represent San Angelo and the Warlocks, and bring home the win for all of this Cities dgers and team to enjoy. The Warlocks have the best 6 man Merged division team in Texas. WHOOOHOOOOO Way to go guys, it was a pleasure being the captain of this years team. Which was my first captaincy at Teams. I am so proud of everybody on the team and the way we handled being down at the first and battling our way all the way back to the top. This win is one of the most special championships I have ever won...which includes 6 city Championships and 1 regional championship in inline hockey. I can't wait till next year when we get to try and put together an Established team and see how we can compete in the 9 man team competition next year. As well as taking another Merged team to see if they can defend our title as 2007 Texas Team Champions. Eola Ash Mini The CVDGA in coordination with Mark at the Bright Brewery recently held an Ash Mini in Eola, Texas. Several Warlocks made the trip out to give this unique course design a go, and of course have a few beers....It was at a brewery. The Warlocks on hand for this one were Captain Patty*, Johnny, Jason*, Brandn*, Sean, Jr*, Jeanne, and Nando*. Quite a turn out for the Warlocks, taking up almost half the field. Which on normal circumstances would give us a pretty good chance at bringing home the win for the team. But again, this was at a brewery. The course was setup for a putter only challenge, so most of the holes were pretty short. Most had the impression that ment it was going to be a simple little layout(the designers included), but that was not to be the case. 1 hole, while wide open was positioned on the OB line fence, so you had the chance to run at it, but if you missed you can add an extra stroke, or layup and go for the 2 or 3. 2 would be the long hole measuring up at just over 300', yes with a putter. 3 would be a fairly easy hole if you could avoid 1 of 4 trees on the place to work with. 4 would go back to the "interesting" design. With the teebox on one side of an old tennis court, and positioned where you had to throw threw 2 trees/bushes, and over the court....but not to far or you would be OB on the other side. 5 was around the old tennis court practice wall and up under the last tree on the course. 6 was stratigically positions so you could go in and refill the beverage of your choice(BEER), 7 was the ace hole, 8 was a super dog leg right, that actually made a C in which you had to throw around a building farther back that the teebox on the other side of the building. And to finish the 9 hole design off, hole 9 was another dog leg right around the corner of the building completely blind. The day started off at about 11am spliting into cards and taking off on the course with beer in hand. The first round saw some low scores with the leaders shooting 4 down, one of those being a Warlock in Brandn. After a short break and chance to refill, the second 9 got under way. Again with Brandn leading the way once it was finished shooting a 6 down this time to go -10 for the day. It was decided at this break to resplit the cards into leaders, and extend the amount of holes again to a final 18 instead of a final 9. Making this a 36 hole mini. One of the main reasons for setting up this course so short was to give people the chance we rarely see around here. Get some ACES, with 18 holes played though not one had been hit. But the 3rd round would start off with a bang, Johnny would hit the first of 3 aces in the round. Banging home #7. Not long after Cody N. would hit another one on the same basket, and just when you thought they were done being hit, ole 'Wamski' comes through with one of the hardest holes to hit in hole 9. A blind ace around the corner of the building...word is he wasn't even happy with his throw when it left his hand, but you can bet he was happy when he heard the chains say CHING BITCHES. That ace would help him pull away from Brandn in the end taking the win by just one stroke. All and all it was a good day at "the course" with a "few" beers drank, a few aces hit, and good fun for all to be had. Thanks again to Mark for opening up the place for us to invade. We all had a great time, maybe we can do it again some time. If your out that way, make sure and give the recently named Warlock Wheat a try. * = former Warlock Hockey player
